Loading at the kitchen
Arrive on time as per the schedule and check in – if you are running late notify us
Put on loading aprons and gloves
Your equipment will be set out in the kitchen entrance
Start by going through your checklist for your yellow/black box
Check the list for all other loose items you need and pull it all together, ready to pack
Check for your gas in the cage
Pack your cooler box from the fridge against your checklist – your items will be labeled – do not dawdle with this, leaving the fridge or freezer open for long periods
Load your vehicle neatly and do not place items in a position where they can fall, get crushed, or damage other items or the vehicle
Once everything is loaded, go through your list again and make sure you have everything – you need to pay attention and make sure you have it all
Make sure you depart form the kitchen in good time and that you have closed the necessary gates, switched on the alarm (if no one is there) and made sure the premises are secure
Offloading at the kitchen
Back at the kitchen, offload the vehicle
Gas must be returned to the cage
Dirty pans must be placed on the scullery table
Coolers must be checked for items to be refrigerated and then stacked against the scullery wall
Stock bottles, oil bottles and crated must be placed on the shelves in the entrance
Aprons and cloths must go into the laundry bin
Yellow/black boxes must go into the designated area
Do not leave any rubbish in the vehicle – bottles, packets etc. must be thrown in the appropriate bin and any mess must be cleaned up
When you are done, park the car in the appropriate place, check it is in gear, handbrake is on and that it is locked.
Close necessary gates and set alarm (if no one else is there) before knocking off.
Safety and security
When arriving and leaving the kitchen, be vigilant – look around you for anyone lurking at the entrance or for vehicles following you to the gate.
If there is any suspicious activity do not exit or drive up to the gate – rather stay inside or, if you are outside, go to the nearby garage and call the security company (ADT) to come and check – 0861212400 – our account is under Tutto at 3 Lewis Road, Richmond.
General shift information
A shift is anywhere up to 8 hours long. If your shift goes over this time you will be paid overtime accordingly on a per hourly rate.
Markets & Public Events
Markets and public events are a very important marketing tool and can be a good way to expose people to what we do.
Herewith the general running order of a typical market:
Arrive at the kitchen on time, check-in get packing and double check your list before you depart
Arrive at the market, offload and carry
Help to set up and get organized quickly and efficiently
Discuss timelines for the day as a team – when you want your food to be ready and the cooking time for these
Discuss duties for the day – everyone shares duties but decide who will be doing what first and rotate from there
Start cooking and talking to the customers attracted by the process
For paella, start serving when it is ready, not before – ask customers for their patience and do not take pre-orders unless it is very quiet and you can manage this
Take orders and serve:
communicate customer orders to the cooks clearly
assist customers with payment
make sure portioning is correct
offer the customer garnish
indicate cutlery
move on to next customer.
If there’s a queue, take the next order and handle the payment for that so that the customers feel like they are being dealt with. Tell the next few customers you will be with them shortly. You must communicate with the queue – it is very important to make them feel like they are not being ignored.
Money box must be cleared into the money managers money pouch; money must be stored flat and uncrumpled. This must be done discretely – never organize or count money in public. We trust you with this money but we do know how much should be coming back in terms of what was sold.
Throughout the service the stall must be kept tidy and orderly. Never overlook this, no matter how hectic the rush is. Stay cool, calm and collected and continue to do your job as you normally would.
As soon as the service is finished:
Switch off the gas and collect any loose knobs from the burner so they do not get lost
Scrape down the pan/s and clear away excess clutter
Wipe all the cooking equipment down for grease and splatter and place all small dirty items neatly in the cooler, including knives, chopping board, spoons etc.
Make sure everything is in order and that all the money is safely stowed in the money manager’s money pouch.
Only start packing up at the agreed time with the market:
NG – 3pm
FFM – 3.30pm
Before this time you can do a basic tidy and pack-up but burners and guards must stay up, tablecloth must remain – it must not look like you are leaving early.
For pack-up, everyone pitches in and helps to break down the stand. Help to carry the equipment back to the vehicle and load it. Check you have not left anything behind. Managers must pay porters ad helpers.
Back at the kitchen you need to offload everything properly into the designated areas and check one another to see that everything has been done before you knock off.
Policy on breaks:
You may take SHORT coffee/food/smoke breaks (no more than 10 minutes) when there is time but only when appropriate. Do this away form the stall. Do not let your team down by leaving them when they need help or the stand is busy, and always let them know that you’ll be back in 10. Be sure to always wash your hands after a break AND use hand sanitizer when you get back to the stand.
Private Event Running Order
Private events are the financial backbone of our business. We have a lot of these and each one is just as important as the next, whether it is a small birthday party of 40 people or a huge corporate event for 500. The same level of care and attention to detail must be paid to all events.
Herewith the general running order of a typical private event:
Arrive at the kitchen on time, check in, get packing and double check your list before you depart.
Arrive at the address on time – if you think you may be running late, even just by 5 minutes, the client must be notified, as well as Clem or Dan.
Ring the bell for access or if you cannot drive in, lock the car and go say hello first.
Introduce yourself clearly with your name and that you are with Tutto, the paella people. Ask for the host or hostess by name, and when you meet them state who you are. Look them in the eye, give them a firm handshake and be confident and friendly.
If it is a special occasion stated on the job sheet, wish them accordingly, e.g: “Is it your birthday today? Happy Birthday!”
Ask where you are setting up and if you are still on track for the time indicated on the job sheet. If they want to serve a bit later that’s fine. If they want to serve earlier, say you will do your best but the paella take 1hr15 minutes to cook. Inform Dan or Clem about any time changes on the event Whatsapp group.
If the space they have allocated is not ideal ask them if you can change things a bit. If not, then you will need to improvise – tell them it’s not a problem and you will make it work. However in the case of rain or badly lit areas a change must be made or the food will be negatively impacted.
If you are given a choice of areas to set up, always choose the one that will be best for the party, and not the one that is the shortest distance from the car.
Offload quickly and quietly. Choose the route that is least disruptive to the party and be careful not to break or bump into anything while you are doing this. If the client offers to help tell them they are very kind but that we will handle it. If they absolutely insist that is ok, and be sure to thank them for this.
Once you have offloaded everything be sure that the vehicle is parked somewhere safe and where you will not be parked in.
Start setting up – quickly and quietly. Make sure you have absolutely everything you need as soon as you are set up, including cooler box items. If anything is wrong or missing notify Clem or Dan immediately so we can help address the problem.
If we are not providing crockery/cutlery ask the host where it is laid out so you can inform the guests at serving time.
If you are offered any alcoholic beverages please decline – water and soft drinks are perfect. If you are thirsty and have not been offered anything you can ask for a glass of water.
Start cooking 1 hour 15 minutes before serving time. Follow the process as per the recipe. You must always try to serve as close to the exact time as possible.
About 10 minutes before the food is ready, alert the client that we are nearly ready.
At serving time notify the client that the food can now be served. If it looks like a bit of a slow occasion and people are taking a long time to come for food, politely remind the host that paella is best eaten fresh and the guests should eat soon.
When dishing up at private events, special requests are allowed within reason. However, if for example the guest wants 10 prawns, you can cheerfully say “I’ll be happy to give you some more once I have served the other guests”. Deal with the guests in a friendly but efficient manner so that the queue does not take too long. Point out where the cutlery is – whether we are handling it or the host is.
Be careful when dishing up that you do not over-portion or you run the risk of running out of food. It is always best for guests to be able to come back for seconds. If there are left-overs that is also ok.
Serve from the pan for a maximum of one hour, during which time you need to keep checking the heat and reheating so it stays hot. Once it looks like all the guests have eaten and had seconds go and inform the client that everyone seems to have eaten. They may want to call last rounds for the guests. Once this is done you will need tupperwares or containers from the client to dish up into. If they don’t have any, offer to use your take-away boxes. The leftovers have been paid for by the client and are for them to keep. Under no circumstances should you eat from the paella (beside tasting during cooking) or take any home.
When it is time to pack up, be aware of what is going on around you. Make as little noise as possible and if your packing up may disrupt any speeches or the like, it must be delayed. Carry the equipment out through the least visible and disruptive route. If you have left a mess behind in your cooking area, clean it up – if needs be ask the client for a mop. If you moved anything of the client’s in your set-up, put it back. If you have any water glasses, return them to the kitchen/bar.
If you have any complaints or problems raised by the client be sure to address it with them on the spot by apologising and stating that you will report it immediately to the Clemmy and Daniel, which you must then do then and there, so that damage control can be done immediately.
Just before you go be sure to say “goodbye, enjoy the rest of the party” and leave some business cards if you are asked to do so. Make sure you can get out of the gate and then head back to the kitchen.
Policy on breaks for private events:
You may of course take bathroom breaks at private events but you may not eat or smoke. This must be done on your own time, before, after or in between shifts. If the event is a very long day then you can have a break but take it in turns and go somewhere out of sight to eat or smoke.